This is a basic, time-tested, satisfying red chili recipe you can always rely on.
Ingredients: 1-1/2 - 2 Lbs. ground beef ir turkey, 1 pack Tutti Tex-Mex Mix, 1 can (14.5 oz) chopped tomatoes, 2 Tbsp tomato paste. 2 cups chicken stock. Large onion. Your favorite fresh or canned peppers. 3 cans (appx 4 cups) drained beans of your choice. Optional: 1 beer, 1/2 cup strong black coffee.
In large pot, combine chopped large onion with 2 lbs. ground beef until browned
Add 1 packet (appx. 1/4 cup) Tutti Tex-Mex Mix. Add 1 can chopped tomatoes or tomato sauce plus one small can tomato paste. Add liquid and cook down 1-2 hours. Strong black coffee, chicken stock, and beer are recommended. As chili reaches desired consistency, add 3 cans drained beans and 1/2 onion, chopped. Serve with green onions, grated cheese, and sour cream to taste.